Body Contouring is a booming business and Lypossage esthetiques International has been at the fore front for more than 20 years. This gives you all the knowledge you need to start up in the exciting field with LypoSlim. LypoSlim is a gentle and effective form of body contouring. Your customers will love it!

Finally, an Body Contouring Wrap that Delivers Measurable Results!

Hi, we are Kate and Charles Wiltsie

We have been in the Body Contouring Business for more than 20 years. Lypossage is known worldwide as a leader in body contouring and cellulite treatments. Now we are introducing LypoSlim to those who would like to get in on the Dynamic, Profitable and Fun business of Body Contouring.

LypoSlim is a Body Contouring Service that Delivers Measurable Results.

We look forward to working with you and hearing about your success.

Kate and Charles Wiltsie

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